Extra Helpful
At Bara, we live and breathe pool. Our experts have a wealth of pool insights to share, so whether you're thinking of getting a pool or are a long-time pool owner, we're here to help you get the most out of your pool.
Planning A New Pool
From size to lifestyle needs, out guide to planning a new pool will help to make the process simple.
Installing a Pool Fence
Pool fences are mandatory in most areas of Australia, and failing to comply with the regulations is not only a potential safety hazard, but enforceable by law.
Understanding Pool Anatomy
Get to know the parts and pieces that power your pool.
Importance of Circulation
Circulation is essential to ongoing pool maintenance and one of the key aspects of a healthy swimming pool and spa.
8 Common Winterising Mistakes
There's a few vital steps you need to take to ensure the health of your pool while it hibernates.
How a swimming pool works
Learn the basics around how a swimming pool system works.
Customer FAQ: What Is The Difference Between A Pump and A Filter?
The short answer is, your pool pump and filter work together to keep your pool clean by maintaining its circulation.
Which Pool Cleaner Should I Choose?
Don’t let a dirty pool put a damper on your summer. We can help you choose the best pool cleaner to suit your pool size, surface, budget and lifestyle.
What Is A Saltwater Chlorinator and How Does It Work?
If you want convenience and an easier way to maintain your pool, a saltwater chlorinator is the way to go.
The anatomy of a swimming pool
A swimming pool is a carefully calibrated ecosystem, let's break down what makes up this system to keep the water fresh and clean.
The Benefits of Swimming
Swimming is an excellent way to promote the health of you and your entire family. Here are 10 benefits you’ll receive from just a few hours of swimming per week!
Why you should invest in an above-ground pool
An above-ground pool is a cost-effective way to add to your backyard. Here’s what you need to know.
Reasons Why You Need A Pool Upgrade
Is your swimming pool looking worse for the wear? We show you how a pool upgrade can give your pool – and backyard – a new lease of life.
see all guides
Baracuda Pool Cleaner Troubleshooting
Follow our simple troubleshooting tips - They’re crystal clear!
Suction Cleaners - Everything You Need to Know
A suction pool cleaner is an automatic option that’s quiet, simple and cost-effective.
Pool Water Testing
Maintain the safety and quality of your pool water by checking out Zodiac Pool's tutorial video on pool water testing.
Pool Water Troubleshooting
In swimming pools, algae can form when protective products or chlorine levels are low.
Safely Storing Pool Chemicals
If stocking up on chemicals, it's important to know how to store them safely.
Different Ways to Sanitise Pools
There's various ways you can disinfect your pool water from tablets to liquid solutions.
Shocking A Pool
By shocking your pool, you’re adding enough chlorine (or other chemical) to clean the water and destroy the buildup of chloramines.
Importance of Water Balance
Balance and harmony is the key to healthy living, and the same goes for your pool water. If everything is balanced, you will avoid a lot of potential issues with your pool, including cloudiness and al...
Why is my spa water cloudy?
Unlike pools, spas have a low volume of water kept at high temperatures, which amplifies the effect of all contaminants that enter the water.
Treating Foamy Spa Water
In this guide, we take a look at the main causes of foamy spa water and how to treat it.
Testing spa water
Learn how to test your spa water to ensure your chemistry remains at ideal levels.
How to Fix a Green Pool And Prevent Algae Growth
Pool water turns green because of algae in the water. Check out the steps you need to take to get rid of algae and prevent it from coming back.
How Do I Add Chemicals to the Pool?
Adding pool chemicals to your pool can be quite tricky. Just follow these steps and you’ll be able to get it right, every time!
Pool Water Chemistry 101
Keeping your pool’s chemistry balanced is the main way you can keep your pool water healthy and safe.
How To Test and Fix Your Pool Water
Here we are going to delve deeper into pool water testing and share with you how to test your pool water properly and bring your chemical back to its optimum level.
How to Clear Cloudy Pool Water
Got cloudy pool water? We explain why it happens and how to get your pool looking crystal clear again.
How to Add Chlorine Tablets to Your Pool
Chlorine tablets are a fast, affordable and mess-free alternative to liquid and granular chlorine. Here are two ways to add them to your pool water.
Closing a Pool for Winter
Learn how to close a pool for winter correctly to avoid a green pool in spring.
How to Open Your Pool For Summer
Learn the basics of opening your pool at the start of the swimming season.
Peak Season Maintenance
Our peak pool maintenance tutorial will help you to keep your pool looking its best
Cleaning Flooded Pools
If your pool has been flooded, there are a number of steps to take to ensure a safe swimming environment.
Eco-Friendly Pool Tips
Follow these simple eco-friendly pool tips to reduce your energy bills and environmental impact.
Draining Pool & Cleaning Surfaces
Before you drain your pool you should consider the following precautions to help you avoid fines and environmental damage.
Drain and Clean Spa
Although draining a spa is the most effective way to clean it, the draining process usually deters most spa owners from doing so.
Pool Energy Efficiency Audit
To correctly assess a pool or spa for efficiency, you need to evaluate the entire system to understand the true balance between saving energy versus filtration and circulation efficiency.
Finding and Fixing a Leak
Pool leaks can occur anywhere in or outside your pool.
All In One Clean
Whether you’re arriving back after months on holiday, or if you’ve had the cover on all winter, there’s a good chance your pool will need a thorough clean on all fronts.
Weekly Maintenance
The fundamentals of ongoing maintenance.
Extreme weather pool maintenance
With increased dust, contaminated rain and other fine particles blowing into pools, not all filters will be able to remove them from the water. This leads to cloudy water that needs to be treated.
Economical Pool Maintenance
Tips for maintaining your pool and spa on a budget.
Common Pool Care Mistakes
Educating yourself on the most common pool maintenance mistakes helps you keep your pool safer, cleaner, and running efficiently with less mess and frustration.
Maintaining A Pool When Not In Use
We discuss how to keep your pool looking swim ready using an hour of weekly upkeep.
Identifying and Removing Pool Stains
Once you determine what type of stain you have, you can decide which type of pool stain remover to use. The best way to figure that out is by the stain’s colour.
Common Spa Issues & Solutions
We discuss common spa related issues and how to fix them.
Customer FAQ: Why Is My Pool Green?
Pool water turns green because of algae in the water. Algae can grow rapidly, particularly in hot weather, which is why it can surprise you overnight during the warmer months.
Customer FAQ: How Long Should I Run My Pump For?
Learn how to calculate your pump run time correctly. The main factor that affects turnover time is the volume of a pool.
6 Tips to Get Water Smart
Follow these simple water saving tips to find out how you can enjoy water whilst not wasting it at the same time.
Customer FAQ: Why Does My Pool Have No Water Flow?
Understanding and maintaining your swimming pool’s water flow
Is your pool ready for summer 2022?
Does prepping your pool for summer sends you into a mild panic attack? Don't worry you still have time to follow these tips to get your pool swim-ready!
6 Ways Robotic Pool Cleaners Save You Time and Money
Learn how you can save money and water (and your precious time!) with a robotic pool cleaner.
How To Get Rid of Water Bugs In Your Pool?
Being proactive and maintaining your water chemistry is the most effective way to keep water bugs out of your pool.
How To Remove Pool Stains?
Getting rid of pool stains is simple when you know what you are dealing with.
Dogs in Pools: How They Affect Your Pool Water
Find out how dogs affect your pool water and what you can do to make your splash zone clean, safe and fun for everyone.
How to Winterise your Pool
Winter is slowly on the horizon, let's look at how to keep your pool clean during the cooler months!
8 Ways to Look After An Above-Ground Pool
There are many reasons why people choose above-ground pools.
When Should You Get Your Pool Equipment Checked?
Don’t wait for your filter or chlorinator to bite the dust. Keep your pool in peak condition with regular pool equipment checks.
Why Is Your Pool Losing Water?
Find out why your pool is losing water, how it can affect the efficiency of your pool and what you should do to minimise water loss in the future.
How to Reduce Pool Energy Costs in Winter
Don’t let bill shock bite this winter. We will show you eleven ways to reduce pool energy costs and keep them down.
9 Ways To Keep Your Pool Area Clean During Winter
We show you nine ways to keep your pool area clean and tidy during the cooler months.
The Importance of Winter Water Testing: How Baracuda Products Keep Your Pool in Top Shape
Ensure your pool stays in top shape all winter with Baracuda products.